Pizza za broj 1 omiljenu hranu gotovo SVIH ljudi!!! Toliko ga vole da vam brza hrana mora poslužiti nešto za što znaju da će ga mase gutati. Ipak, mnogim restoranima nedostaje mjesta za nošenje velike peći za pizzu. Ovdje Bakers Rock mala pećnica za pizzu blista kao apsolutni božji dar rješenja. Bakers Rock sobna plinska peć za pizzu is perfect for restaurants who want to make great pizza with as little oven maintenance. The cylinder Black Rock pizza ovens of Bakers are the best little wood stove for your restaurant. The beauty of having an incredible hot and fresh piazza in mere seconds, is that it does not require much space. This works particularly well for restaurants because they need to cater a large number of people at once. This lightweight mini oven is perfect for food trucks as well a small café with little surface area. Pizza any time from morning to midnight too good item.
Individualni restorani: Ako ste mali restoran s ograničenim prostorom, onda idite i kupite vlastitu peć za pizzu. Uvijek možete napraviti ukusnu pizzu bez velike kuhinje. Još jedna ključna prednost kupnje male pećnice za pizzu Bakers Rock je što imate više prostora za postavljanje drugih potrebnih kuhinjskih aparata i Bakers Rocka plinska transportna peć za pizzu. Na taj način možete samo strpati sve potrebne stvari u svoju kuhinju kako bi sve uvijek bilo dostupno, poput brzog posluživanja za kupce.
Mala pećnica za pizzu na ploči omogućuje vam posluživanje vrućih, svježih pita u vrlo kratkom vremenu. Bakers Rock mala plinska peć za pizzu vrlo je pogodan za restorane koji imaju mnogo kupaca, ali samo mali paket! Također je malo jeftinije jer ne plaćate troškove dostave. Pa zašto ovo ne popraviti u kuhinji? Peć za pizzu Bakers Rock: Najbolji izbor za svaki restoran koji želi poslužiti brzu pizu jednu za drugom.
Najbolja stvar kod pizze je što je možete napraviti bilo gdje, čak i ako je vaša kuhinja premala da bi bila u potpunosti funkcionalna. Mala pećnica za pizzu Bakers Rock kuha izvrsne fi niške pizze na praktičan način. Pećnica je mala, ali može ispeći maksimalan broj pizza. To osigurava da ste bolji kamena pokretna peć za pizzu kako bismo ispunili narudžbe kupaca na zahtjev i stoga brže isporučili tople pizze.
Dok mala pećnica za pizzu u većini slučajeva može promijeniti igru za mnoge restoranske jelovnike. The plinske transportne peći Kvalitetni dodaci i originalan okus zasigurno će privući kupce koji su željni vrhunske pizze. Zato ispecite svoja srca uz Bakers Rock i dajte jedinstvene posebne pizze koje će vas možda izdvojiti od ostalih trgovina, čak i ako imate samo malu peć za pizzu. Ljudi vole varijacije pizze, tako da su opcije različitih vrsta na jelovniku svakako prednost za vas.
The company is certified by lS0 and 9001, CE, TUV and other certifications. In addition, it holds more than Small pizza oven commercial appearance certificates. Our factory was recognized as an "high technological enterprise in the province of Jiangsu Province". Our mission is to provide the most efficient Conveyor Pizza Ovens services through trusted partners to meet the needs of customers. Our service team is dedicated to delivering high-quality after-sales service to our customers. If you contact us, we'll be able to solve your issue in 24 hours.
Small pizza oven commercial is an expert maker of pizza ovens for commercial use. It was founded in Shanghai China in the year 2001. With over 24 years of experience and top quality have made us an expert in pizza industry. Qiangan Pizza Ovens are a popular choice for China's top chain restaurants because of their easy-to-use features that are energy efficient and adaptable design. Our pizza ovens have been recognized by customers for their sophisticated equipment, catering experience and after-sales services.
The impingement-oven makes use of high-speed jets of air that are directed directly onto the surface of food items. This rapid heat transfer and precise aiming leads to the speedier and more evenly cooking process. It also reduces baking time by a factor of ten when compared with convection ovens. The impingement design allows precise control of airflow and temperature which leads to greater energy efficiency. Impingement ovens are energy efficient because they require less energy. The combination of uniform and rapid heating, Small pizza oven commercial, and versatility make the Impingement Conveyor Oven a preferred choice for the food service industry. It improves productivity and reduces operating costs, while making consistently high-quality baked items.
BAKERS ROCK, which is a brand operated by QiangAn Group, is specifically Small pizza oven commercial for the international market. All ovens are able for cooking pizzas, snacks, and various other foods such as bagels, steaks noodles, desserts, ethnic cuisine and more. We provide complete professional conveyor Pizza ovens solutions to large and small pizza chains as well as small pizzerias, restaurant industry, and institutional food service.