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Pizza conveyor machine


The 3 key component of the machine conveyor belt: This process is, in effect, a Train Yard: pizza on an infinite food line of its own design. So that the pizza is evenly heated and not hot in some places while cold in others. A thousand rings, each designed to withstand temperatures of up to 120°C (248°F) without failing together as a single ring is driven one behind the other. Since we are talking about a machine here, it is important that many pizzas can be created every hour, Bakers Rock конвейер меши.

Consistent baking with precision timing

The other significant part of a pizza conveyor equipment is clearly the oven. It is the area on which pizza genuinely prepares. The oven uses special controls that allow it to maintain its cooking temperature. Which is important as it ensures that the pizza cooks all in one, and not just ton ring into burnt edges and raw dough outside.   

Bakers Rock конвейердик мештер also features a timer that cooks the pizza as long as it needs to, so you do not have any concerns on when is the ideal time for your next slice. So does that mean every pizza has to be exactly the same (for those customers who get their perfect go-to) — between late night and 2 am? In the pizza world, consistency is crucial when it comes to working with this oven.


Why choose Bakers Rock Pizza conveyor machine?

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