Сите сакаат пица! Многу луѓе ширум светот ја користат специјалната фурна за пица со двојни оџаци на Bakers Rock за својата пица. Прекрасно мириса да се замисли, со цевководи топла пица свежа излезена од рерна и подготвена за јадење за неколку минути. Сепак, правењето пица со Bakers Rock е побрзо и поедноставно. Тие го нарекуваат Бејкерс рок транспортна печка рерна за пица со двоен транспортер што ја пече пицата побрзо и полесно од кога било досега!
Печката за пица со двојни транспортери Bakers Rock содржи два транспортни ленти, кои работат независно. Ова значи дека две пици може да се готват во различни времиња и температури. Може да се подготват и отстранат неколку пици истовремено. Двата ремени се клучни во зафатените места за пица кои немилосрдно ставаат пици и ги вадат од рерната. Со Бејкерс Рок транспортни печки, продавниците за пица може да подготват повеќе пици и брзо да им ги пренесат на своите клиенти.
Печката за пица со двојни транспортери Bakers Rock содржи два транспортни ленти, кои работат независно. Ова значи дека две пици може да се готват во различни времиња и температури. Може да се подготват и отстранат неколку пици истовремено. Двата ремени се клучни во зафатените места за пица кои немилосрдно ставаат пици и ги вадат од рерната. Со Бејкерс Рок транспортни печки, продавниците за пица може да подготват повеќе пици и брзо да им ги пренесат на своите клиенти.
How long each dish takes is of the utmost importance in restaurants i. e. everyone wants to be served within a minimum time frame Thankfully, Bakers Rock has created the double stack conveyor pizza ovens that are easy to use. This unique oven is essentially perfect for pizza places as they Реклама за печка на гас за пица can save space and have one less machine to worry about. Utilizing a double conveyor process, the two-slice pizza baking method guarantees that Pizza Maker consumers may never have to experience raw or overcooked pizzas again. Bakers Rock ovens. Chefs, this way can concentrate on making delicious pizzas than to worry about the complicated machines.
So there you have it, Bakers Rocks double stack conveyor pizza ovens are the perfect equipment for any pizzeria who wants to work faster, make more pizzas and keep their камен транспортер печка за пица customers satisfied with great tasting food. It has some excellent features — including a double conveyor belt, 2 ovens and user-friendly controls which make it the ideal oven for high-volume pizza production. take your pizza business up a notch! Believe me, you'll enjoy it and your customers will love what delicious pizzas you serve them!
The impingement oven uses the use of a number of high-velocity air jets which impinge directly on the surface of the food item. This rapid and precise heat transfer can result in Double stack conveyor pizza oven and even cooking, decreasing baking times compared to traditional convection ovens. Impingement ovens allow precise control of airflow and temperature, leading to increased energy efficiency. Concentrated air jets reduce wasted energy, making impingement ovens more cost-effective to operate. What's more impingement conveyor ovens tend to have a smaller footprint with traditional ovens for baking, making them ideal for commercial kitchens and production areas with limited space. Impingement conveyor oven's mix of quick, uniform heating, energy efficiency and flexibility make it an extremely popular option in the commercial food industry to increase productivity, reducing operating costs and consistently providing high-quality baked goods.
BAKERS ROCK is the name of QiangAn group for overseas market, All ovens are designed to cook a range of products like pizza, snacks, steaks, seafood, sandwiches bagels, bagels and Double stack conveyor pizza oven, desserts and ethnic cuisines, etc. We provide a complete conveyor system for professional use. pizza ovens solutions for large and small pizza chains, small pizzeria, restaurant industry, and institutional food service.
The company is accredited with lS0 and Double stack conveyor pizza oven, CE, TUV and other certifications. The company also holds more than 10 utility model certificates. Our factory is designated as a high-tech establishment within the province of Jiangsu Province. Our goal is to provide the most efficient Conveyor Pizza Ovens products through trusted partners and in order to exceed customer expectations. Our support team is committed to providing excellent after-sales assistance to our customers. just a phone call, we will solve your problem within 24 hours.
Double stack conveyor pizza oven is an expert maker of pizza ovens for commercial use. It was founded in Shanghai China in the year 2001. With over 24 years of experience and top quality have made us an expert in pizza industry. Qiangan Pizza Ovens are a popular choice for China's top chain restaurants because of their easy-to-use features that are energy efficient and adaptable design. Our pizza ovens have been recognized by customers for their sophisticated equipment, catering experience and after-sales services.