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Зуух нь ямар ч амттай хоол, ялангуяа 12 инчийн хэмжээтэй пицца бэлтгэхэд тохиромжтой гайхалтай хоол хийх төхөөрөмж юм. The пицца зууханд хий Bakers Rock-аас халуун агаарын эргэлтийн технологийн ачаар амт нь тогтвортой, бүрэн хоол хийх боломжийг олгодог. Үүнээс гадна та пиццагаа шаржигнуур эсвэл зөөлөн чанаж болгосон байхын тулд хоол хийх температур, цагийг тохируулж болно.
Пицца үйлдвэрлэгч нь энгийн, үнэ, 15 минутын хоол хийх хугацаа зэргээс шалтгаалан пицца сонирхогчдод зориулсан гайхалтай сонголт юм. Наалддаггүй гадаргуу нь шүршигч, тос хэрэглэх шаардлагагүй бөгөөд энэ нь таны эрүүл мэндэд тохиромжтой. Гарын авлагын хамт та пицца хийх аялалаа эхлүүлэх жоруудын товхимолыг хүлээн авах болно. Та өөрийн шилдэг бүтээлийг бүтээх боломжтой хамгийн сайн пицца зуух Бейкерс Рокоос.
Мөн энд BLACK+DECKER 5 минутын пиццаны зуух багтсан болно. Энэ нь гайхалтай гэсэн үг арилжааны зууханд пицца cooks up a delicious pizza in just 5 minutes. That’s right, just 5 minutes. It has a tray that stops your pizza from sticking to the bottom, and with it being non-stick. This oven is not only amazing for making hot fresh pizza; It works even better to re-heat that leftover cold pizza from the before. Just pop it in and grab a bite on the run.
Much to your relief, pizza can be any of the week. Which means with your new budget ovens you can make pizza on the daily. This particular хамгийн сайн пиццаны зуух Гэртээ чанаж болгосон пицца идэхийг хүсдэг ч их мөнгө үрэх бодолгүй гэр бүлүүдэд нэн тохиромжтой. Гэр бүлийнхэнтэйгээ ширээний ард суугаад бие даасан пицца хийх нь хичнээн хөгжилтэй болохыг бодоод үзээрэй. Та гэр бүлийнхээ пиццагаа баярлуулахын тулд хүүхдүүдэд өөрсдийн тохируулсан амттангаар туслахыг хялбархан зөвшөөрч болно. Эдгээр болон гэр бүлийн чанартай цагийг өнгөрөөх нь үнэхээр хөгжилтэй байдаг.
The company is accredited with Best budget pizza oven and 9001, CE, TUV and other certifications. The company also holds more than 10 utility model certifications. Our factory was deemed to be an "high technological enterprise in the province of Jiangsu Province". The purpose of our company is to offer the top Conveyor Pizza ovens with our trusted partners, and to exceed our customers' expectations. We have a dependable support team that is specifically geared towards our customers to provide quality after-sales services. We can resolve your issue within 24 hours with just a simple phone call.
Best budget pizza oven is one of the brands of the QiangAn group of companies for the overseas market The ovens are built to cook a various of products like pizza, snacks, steaks, sandwiches, seafood, bagels, baked rice and noodle, desserts and ethnic food items, etc. We provide a complete conveyor system for professional use. pizza ovens solutions for large and small pizza chains small pizzerias, restaurant industry, and institutional food service.
SHANGHAI QIANGAN FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT CO., LTD is an experienced commercial pizza oven manufacturer was established in shanghai Best budget pizza oven in 2001. With over 24 years of experience and top quality makes us an expert in pizza industrial. Qiangan Pizza Ovens are a popular choice for China's top restaurant chains due to their user-friendly features as well as energy efficiency and adaptable design. We have a strong technical foundation and state-of-the-art equipment, extensive catering service experience and complete after-sales service Pizza ovens are welcomed by all and have been rewarded with constant applause from across the world.
The impingement-oven uses high-velocity jets of air that direct directly to the surface of food products. The rapid transfer of heat and precise aiming results in an easier and faster cooking process and also reduces the time for baking compared to convection ovens. The impingement design allows precise control of the temperature and airflow and results in greater energy efficiency. Impingement ovens are more energy-efficient since they consume less energy. The combination of uniform and Best budget pizza oven, energy efficiency, and versatility makes the Impingement Conveyor Oven a preferred choice for the food service industry. It boosts productivity, decreases operating expenses, while continuously producing top-quality baked goods.