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Double deck electric pizza oven

Restaurant, pizzerias and cafes looking to offer the ultimate pizza will find Bakers Rock Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven an invaluable asset. With the ability to cook multiple pizzas at once, this is a high performing oven which saves you time and money. The double-deck oven where you can fry more pizzas than a single deck one. This is a win-win since you get to serve more customers without sacrificing the deliciousness of your pizza! 

Built to last and made of durable, good-quality materials, modern and aesthetically attractive design that fits nicely in most kitchens. Bakers Rock електрична пећница за дуплу пицу is form-filling easy to use, which is a great thing! With temperature control that all but guarantees your pizza will be cooked perfectly.

The Benefits of a Double Deck Electric Pizza Oven

Cooking more pizzas faster is one of the most compelling reasons to opt for a double deck electric pizza oven. This allows you to get more customers and earn more money! And if you have a deck oven, even one of them and nothing else that means only baking one pizza at a time. It is slow to take much time, especially at times when a large number are waiting for their pizzas like lunch or dinner hours. 

One great feature of this double deck electric pizza oven is it provides even heating on both decks. So that way all your pizzas are cooked just one way and none of them burn or hardly cook right. A regular oven may push heat from certain spots, and not enough of it at the other areas which is a little tricky. Different ovens all have their quirks, but not with Bakers Rock двоспратна транспортна пећ за пицу; your pizzas will come out great every single time!

Why choose Bakers Rock Double deck electric pizza oven?

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