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2025 HOTELEX Shanghai,Bakers Rock invites you to explore our new products together~

시간 : 2025-03-12


Scan the code 👆 Pre registration 🎁 Free ticket!

Focused on pizza ovens for 25 years

Achieving excellent quality

베이커스 록

방문을 정중히 초대합니다

2025HOTELUX Shanghai Exhibition!

At that time, there will also be the Shanghai International Pizza Masters

Let’s have fun together


400000㎡ Hotel Catering Comprehensive Exhibition

The number of exhibitors exceeds 3000

Waiting for you to explore!


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About Bakers Rock

SHANGHAI QIANGAN FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT CO., LTD는 2001년 중국 상하이에서 설립된 전문 상업용 피자 오븐 제조업체입니다. 25년 간의 관심과 뛰어난 품질 덕분에 우리는 피자 산업의 전문가가 되었습니다. 우리는 중대형 피자 체인, 소규모 피자 가게, 레스토랑 산업 및 기관 식품 서비스에 완벽한 전문 컨베이어 피자 오븐 솔루션을 제공합니다.

BAKERS ROCK은 QiangAn 그룹의 해외 시장을 위한 새로운 브랜드입니다. 모든 오븐은 피자, 스낵, 스테이크, 해산물, 샌드위치, 베이글, 구운 쌀과 국수, 디저트 및 민족 음식 등을 포함한 다양한 제품을 요리하도록 설계되었습니다.


we provide complete professional conveyor Pizza ovens solutions to medium and large pizza chain, small pizzeria, restaurant industry, and institutional food service.

Meanwhile, our company has established:

1. Application Kitchen: Help customers understand the operation of kitchen equipment, while also providing customers with various cooking methods, menu development, and on-site equipment operation training;

2. Pizza Center: Teach students a comprehensive and systematic pizza making technique.





↑ Feature Products

2025 HOTELEX Booth No.3C23


Date: March 30th to April 2nd, 2025

Location: National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai (Hongqiao)

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**Innovation Zone Display**

In this 180 square meter exhibition, QiangAn specially invited Swedish Pizza Master brand expert and Italian master Ciro Sorrentino to make classic Italian Napoli pizza on site. The QiangAn chefs team also brought star products such as pizza, freshly baked hamburgers and various snacks to everyone, presenting creative food with layer ovens, chain ovens and kiln equipment.

At this exhibition, QiangAn will release a new F1618 chain oven with infinitely variable wind speeds and a fast menu on the panel. It has powerful functions and is suitable for various places. Much more fun, waiting for you to reveal on site~

Our professional team will provide you with detailed product introductions and technical support on site, ensuring that you have a deeper understanding of our products.


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⏰ March 30th to April 2nd, 2025 📍 National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai (Hongqiao)

See u!

이전 : 없음

다음 : 와, 솔로 피자예요!