Erstaunlech Belt Pizza Uewen aus Qiangan. Obwuel et eng manuell Uewen ass, Rimm Pizza Uewen an kommerziell Pizza Hiersteller sinn definitiv super fir d'Tatsaach, datt se vill Pizzaen gläichzäiteg kache kënnen. Dëst mécht se ganz rentabel! Wann Dir e Pizza-Restaurant hutt oder e grousst Evenement organiséiert an d'Pizzen séier zerwéiere musst, dann ass dës Aart Ofen wat Dir gär hutt. Dëst erlaabt Iech jiddereen seng eege dampende, waarm Pizza ze bidden a kee wäert Gedold dofir hunn!
E Gürtelpizzaofen aus Qiangan ass wou d'Pizzen op engem Fërderband duerchfueren, gebak ginn wéi se laanscht goen. Wéi cool ass dat, et ass net néideg fir se all puer Minutten ze kontrolléieren andeems Dir den Uewen opmaacht. D'Alternativ ass gläichzäiteg eng grouss Rëtsch Pizzaen ze maachen! Dëst gëtt Iech méi Zäit fir d'Gäschtbuch auszefëllen. Ech mengen - Gedrénks schëdden oder Ären Dësch decken. Et dréit Zort vun passenden, wéi Är Pizza kéint déi knusprech Krust kréien se wëll ouni verbrannt ginn. Op dës Manéier kënnt Dir mat Fridden vum Geescht feieren an net en Aa op Är Pizza halen fir sécher ze sinn datt se net iwwerdriwwen oder net gekacht ass! Probéiert e benotzen Pizza Kette Uewen.
Huet iergendeen jeemools AS SEEN ON TV Pizza gemaach, déi zur selwechter Zäit hallef verbrannt-hallef-raw war? Dat ass sou e Bummer! Dëst wäert awer kee Problem sinn wann Dir Gürtelpizzaofen benotzt. Dëse speziellen Uewen aus Qiangan kacht d'Pizzen gläichméisseg vun alle Säiten mat waarmer Loft. D'Pizza'en fueren iwwert dëse beweegte Fërderband a baken gläichméisseg, well mat enger kommerziell Fërderband Pizza Uewen et ass keng Suergen, wann d'Pizza ze dréchen oder net gekacht ass.
Gürtel Pizzaofen aus Qiangan kommen a verschiddene Gréissten a Stiler fir Är eenzegaarteg Ufuerderungen ze treffen, E puer elektresch Steenofen wéi de beschte elektresch Pizza Uewen kommerziell are small and very manageable to have at home where others made larger with the commercial type for a busy pizza parlor or restaurant energy that needs bake multiple pizzas once.
Slices: Wann Dir Pizzaschnëss gär hutt, ass et déi eenzeg Quell vun Amusement fir Är Pizzaen esou amüsant an agreabel ze maachen. Mee et kann och knaschteg ginn, an ech mengen net "finger-lickin'gutt" Messiness; all déi gooey Fëllung huet e Wee fir dech ze knacken. Dofir fannen ech mech mat mengem Rimm Pizzaofen an kommerziell Pizza Uewen mat engem Fërderband all the time since there are so many pizzas to make and not that much effort. This oven not only saves time for you but each and every pizza bakes with consistent baking results, no overcooked or burnt edges; also without any cold spots in the center of the pie.
The impingement oven is a series of high-velocity air jets that impact directly onto the outside of the Belt pizza oven. This rapid and targeted heat transfer leads to rapid and even cook, thus reducing baking times by a factor of ten when compared with traditional convection ovens. The impingement design allows precise control of temperature and airflow and results in greater energy efficiency. The air jets are concentrated, which reduce wasted energy, making impingement ovens cheaper to operate. What's more impingement conveyor ovens tend to are smaller in size compared to traditional baking ovens, making them ideal for production and commercial kitchens facilities with small space. Impingement conveyor oven's combination of rapid, uniform heating, energy efficiency and flexibility make it a top option for the commercial food industry to increase productivity, reducing operating costs and consistently providing high-quality baked products.
SHANGHAI QIANGAN FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT CO., LTD is an experienced commercial pizza oven producer was established in shanghai China in 2001. We are now experts in the field of pizza with our 24 years of dedication and superior quality. Belt pizza oven are a popular choice for China's top restaurants due to their combination of easy-to-use features as well as energy efficiency and flexible design. With our high-tech strength and state-of-the-art equipment, extensive catering service experience and complete after sales service system, our pizza ovens are warmly welcomed and have been rewarded with constant recognition of people from all over the world.
BAKERS ROCK, which is a brand operated by QiangAn Group, is specifically Belt pizza oven for the international market. All ovens are able for cooking pizzas, snacks, and various other foods such as bagels, steaks noodles, desserts, ethnic cuisine and more. We provide complete professional conveyor Pizza ovens solutions to large and small pizza chains as well as small pizzerias, restaurant industry, and institutional food service.
The company is accredited with lS0 and Belt pizza oven, CE, TUV and other certifications. The company also holds more than 10 utility model certificates. Our factory is designated as a high-tech establishment within the province of Jiangsu Province. Our goal is to provide the most efficient Conveyor Pizza Ovens products through trusted partners and in order to exceed customer expectations. Our support team is committed to providing excellent after-sales assistance to our customers. just a phone call, we will solve your problem within 24 hours.